EDITOR’S ARTICLE: The Irresistible Power Of Praise By Sirtondy


I love to write about praise. Read this and know the power of praise.

My mother in the Lord shared a testimony with me, she was greatly afflicted and attacked through a satanic arrow shot at her and his husband who was a Bishop wasn’t around.

Immediately, she lifted up her voice to pray and she heard a voice which she recognized as the voice of God that says ”But I have given you songs, why can’t you use them to praise me. Then, she began to sing those songs to praise His majesty. She did so for three hours and immediately, all the afflictions left her. She said she could visibly see when each one was leaving.

The power of praise is real! Remember the wall of Jericho experience and the battle of Jehoshaphat, it was this same praise that brought divine intervention.

When people see me in church dancing, singing and praising God irresistibly, they usually thought I have mental disorder. I know how this thing works for me, a praise meeting is a recieving meeting and there is no lay down protocol for praise, If there had been a lay down protocol, Kind David wouldn’t have been dancing, singing and worshiping like mad.

The wealth and prosperity of David came as a result of his unstoppable and Idiosyncrazy praise and my biggest surprise was I could find only one woman who was mentioned as never having children—Michal, first wife of King David and this woman was cursed because she was caught making jest of David while he was praising God. So, you can also see how God love praise.

I want you to start praising him now, look at what the Lord has done pragmatically and don’t explain it off.

The power of praise is the presence of God at work in you. When God arrives, things must change. No evil can withstand the power of praise. When this power is engaged, every bond loses(Acts 16:25-27). Praise is your transportion to your manifestation.

Brethren, praise God in every situation you find yourself.

I’m Tunde Korede Sirtondy, and editor for Naijaolofofo.com.