For Married Couples Only: See 7 S£x Po sitions Men Love

Want to spice things up in the be droom? Make his night and dr ive him crazy with these s ex posit ions that men l ove. Ultimat ely, s ex is about love and intim acy, so while the posit ions are part of the fun, the real payoff is the way variou s maneu vers allow you to connect and explore each other in different ways.
1. Woman on Top
Ask your guy what drives him crazy in the bedroom, and we’re betting he’ll say it’s pleasing you. This s-*xy position puts you in the driver’s seat, and that’s exactly where he wants you. Take advantage of being in control and set the pace according to what you like, leaving his hands free to roam. The bonus? He loves having your curves in full view…so flip on the lights and give him a show.
2. Missionary
This standard go-to is a favo rite because it puts him in co ntrol, while still being intim ate: your hi ps are free to do all the work, and you can lock li ps and eyes with ease. And while he’s in the power po sition on top of you, the two of you can set the pace together. If you want him to go slower or deeper, put your hands on his hi ps and guide him. The best s ex is like a conversation, and missionary allows you to communicate with your bo dies.
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