How to get rid of body oduor


unnamedBad body oduor is the unpleasant problem many people face as their major challenge, body oduor can affect self confidence and self esteem, many things leads to body oduor while some are natural from birth.

Cause of body oduor

•over sweating
•dirty cloths
•not taking daily bath
•dirty foots…Etc


• shower twice daily to keep away the body oduor.

• wear clean cloths and always wash regularly.

• always go with extral cloth incase you are going far away from home to avoid wearing same cloth twice, wish can lead to body oduor.

• Limit your consumption of spicy foods, such as curry or garlic, because they can make your sweat smell. Evidence also suggests that eating a lot of red meat tends to make body odour worse.

• Use a deodorant or an antiperspirant after bathing or showering.

Incase you have cronic body oduor or yours is natural from birth try vinegar and aluminium chloride.

(1) Vinegar:- it kills bacteria, the real cause of body oduor, Soak your feet in vinegar and water, and spray your underarms with straight vinegar before applying deodorant Try vinegar to combat the problem
You may be surprised, but apply vinegar on your armpits before sleeping at night and let it dry naturally. Wash it off the next morning. Applying apple cider on your armpits can also help solve the problem of excessive sweating gradually.

(2) Aluminium chloride:- is the active ingredient in most antiperspirants. It helps prevent production of sweat, apply aluminium chloride every night before bed time and wash off in the morning to help stop sweat while you at sleep,
If the above self care advice does not improve your body odour, you may need a stronger antiperspirant, ask your pharmacist for better advice and recommendation.

Tips by sawdiq wealthcom @Swagdiq
Fitness trainer, wellness specialist, massage and beauty therapist.

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