Good Morning Africa”, PRTV, Premium World, Sahawari Republic, Oyotunji Village, Waka Agency Declares Support For Theatremania Africa Festival 2014



As the clock tickles on Africa first ever and largest Theatre Festival tagged TheatreMania Africa Festival (TAF), more support and endorsement keeps coming the way of the event.
Embassy and leading media firms that recently endorsed the festival are Sahawari Republic Embassy in South Africa, United States based Premium World Brand Management, His Royal Majesty (HRM) Oba Adejuyigbe E.A.O. Adefunmi II, Paramount Ruler of Yoruba people (North America & Diaspora), Rosie Motene’s WAKA Agency and Planet Image Productions (Producers of Good Morning Africa and Owners of PRTV- Channels 73-GOTV/MNET).

In a different letter of support and endorsement, they conveyed their unalloyed support for the laudable initiative to celebrate Africa Theatre and its practitioners.

Sahawari Republic Embassy in South Africa letter reads “It is with great honour to confirm our participation and support for this upcoming festival, the Embassy will engage the Saharawi Ministry of Arts” the statement reads.

Ms. Olamiji Pearse, the Founder| Principal Consultant of United States based Premium World Brand Management said in her own letter “Accordingly, I am pleased to endorse the objectives and strategies of the said TheaterMania Africa Festival and express PWBM’s commitment to not only work alongside as a partner, but also as a intricate piece in the Diaspora, leveraging our industry’s credibility to see this festival successfully to completion” she averred. 

Meanwhile His Royal Majesty, Oba Adejuyigbe E.A.O. Adefunmi II
Oloyotunji of Oyotunji Village USA, the Paramount Ruler of Yorubas in North America and the Diasporas in his endorsement letter states” I write this letter of endorsement, confirming our Kingdom’s support of TheaterMania Africa Festival. This letter confirms that I, HRM Oba Adejuyigbe along with my Kingdom of Oyotunji African Village are committed to supporting the galvanization of theatre practitioners in Africa; driving traffic back to the stage for grand and creative displays of African art, culture and customs” he submitted.

In his own word, the President, Planet Image Productions (Producers of Good Morning Africa (the biggest Breakfast Show in Africa) and Owners of PRTV- Channels 73-GOTV/MNET) said that “we are indeed delighted for this strategic partnership with the organizers of TheatreMania Africa Festival as one of the Principal Media Partners. We are committed to ensuring the promotion of African theatre, music, dance, folktales and culture” he boasted.

TheatreMania Africa Festival (TAF) is the first all-encompassing All Africa Theatre Awards & Festival, evolving from the African root aimed at re-writing the African story to the world in a positive way. Check out the website –
It is a reward system meant to appreciate African acts and other stakeholders in the entertainment Industry and a platform to show case the best of African Theatre on the street on different stages.  One of the Unique Selling Propositions is that the organizers has promised to bring a yet to be disclosed multiple award winning and world acclaimed black American actor live for the festival to add value to the event, act on stage with the best of African stage actors and lead advocacy campaign that keys into the central theme of the Host State in Nigeria. The festival is expected to be full of glamour, grandeur, color, excellence and excitement. It is going to be an annual festival.
The mission is to produce a world-class, television theatre/stage/dance/music award ceremony that will promote and add value to Africa and the Entertainment industry in Africa through a standard/international broadcast machinery.
The Build-up activities and events which include World Press Conference, Advocacy on Malaria Scourge in Africa, Logo/Media and Nominees Unveil, Jury’s Meeting and Submission of Theatre works etc are meant to take place in four other African countries namely South Africa, Ghana, Malawi and Kenya before the main event in Nigeria this year. 
TheatreMania Africa Festival (TAF) is an initiative of TheatreMania Africa Concepts and Eagles House Global Resources with the support of the media partner of the project from South Africa, Content Africa Initiative (PTY) Ltd.
TAF other partners and supporters include Africa Magic, Sahawari Republic Embassy in South Africa, African Independent Television (AIT), Oyotunji Village, USA, The African Broadcast Network, Kuwa Ajabu Foundation, Premium World Brand Management, USA, Tswelopele Performing Arts, South Africa,  Black Image Theatre Productions, Total Recall Media Limited, Crown Media Limited, Freshwave Concepts, Image and Likeness Limited, Optimum Blitzkrieg Concepts and so many more.
Eppie Maunza     Alayande Stephen T.
Creative Director (TAF)                 Festival Director (TAF)
(Malawi)     (Nigeria)

Here comes the African power


Africans stand for peace

One voice of unity

Eppie Maunza(Creative Director)(1)

Black Image Troupe in MUSON Centre


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