This Guy Went For HIV/AIDS Test After Sex With A Sex Worker, This Happened


I returned back to the east after NYSC on December 2018, but instead of going home I got a place to stay in Anambra state.

The girls in Anambra are just beautiful that it will be hard for you not to take a second look

I sworn that I will never cheat on my Fiancé cause I love her so much and wouldn’t want to hurt her

After like three weeks in Awka konji was killing me, Meanwhile babe is somewhere very far doing a program in her field

On January 23rd A friend came around and was suggesting us visiting one of the brothels in Awka. I was initially not interested, so he suggested I just escort him there and sit at the bar until he was done. I said cool that’s fine.

So he went in with one of the girls, I was just taking some drinks when a very beautiful prostitute passed, instead of John Thomas to relax, him foolishly stand.

After negotiations we entered

Just because it’s be quite a while I just dey use my power on the babe, all of a sudden what I noticed was “Condom done burst”

I noticed late and believe me the girl wasn’t bothered, I was like “you carry anything? “.

She was like no I am fine. for my mind I was like “even if she get she will still say no”

I immediately ran to a chemist and asked for Ciprofloxacin, bought it then I left leaving my friend behind cause that dude can taste like three different girls in one night

Two weeks later I was sick of fever, that same week joint pains, fatigue, headache, in fact my neck was hurting.

I opened goggle searched about symptoms of HIV, what I was got me more scared. I was like so this girl dash me HIV free of charge, no wonder she wasn’t feeling remorsed when the condom busted.

Fear gripped me, I started thinking Lord what have I done.
Lord I am sorry
Forgive me and don’t let me pay so heavy for my mistake.

Fast forward till 10th May 2019

I went to the hospital to do some test

I did hepatitis, Liver function test, typhoid, malaria, I wanted to do HIV but I was scared I decided not to.

Two days later I went back to get the test result.

Liver function test – A little above normal(doc said no need to worry)

20th May I decided to go to Owerri to do the HIV test in case I was positive so nobody will know me. in fact I didn’t use my real name when filling the HIV form.

After the long discussion the counselor will give, then it was time to Carry out the test.

My hands and feets were shaking. the counselor noticed and he said even if you have it there are ARVs for you to live healthy (I was like God just forgive me, I know I have failed)

As soon as he took my blood, I stood up wrote my number on a shot of paper and said Sir please send the result to me via sms, he was just staring at me while I left.

I left and went to a bar sitting and waiting for the result via sms

After 20mins I got a test. my heart was beating when I opened it what I saw was “Your HIV test result says you are negative, always protect yourself but remember abstinence is the best”.

I was so happy but I Needed to confirm it again, so I returned back to Awka that same day.

Today being 22nd May 2019, I went to Medical Center Amaku to confirm.

I went in after every every I was confirmed negative. happiness from no where came over me.

As I was leaving I looked towards the special clinic and saw crowd of HIV positive persons waiting to get ARVs, and I was like what if I had tested positive is this how I will disgrace myself and my family.

I opened a trend previously asking if HIV persons can join the military. This is because my uncle is making sure I join the Nigeria Prison service. I would have been disgraced if I tasted positive.

I have sworn that from this day I will never have sex till I get married. cause I am planning to get married next year God willing.

So my friends try to know your status today.

You might be scared but just know that only test can confirm your status.

So when last did you check your status?


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