How Men Can Delay Release To Last Longer In B ed


Kegel exercises – Kegel exercises can help you prolong Rele ase. Kegels are those muscles that you use for controlling urination. So, flex these muscles about 30 times a day to delay Rele ase.

Squeeze technique – Prolong Rele ase and delay it by holding the tip of the head of the man-hood. Squeezing the tip of the man-hood can help control premature Rele ase.

Testes – The scrotum rises as a man reaches clim ax and is on the verge of Rele ase. So, delay Rele ase by pulling the scrotum away from the body.

Change focus – Rather than concentrating on Rele ase, concentrate on your partner’s pleasure.

Combination of thrusts – Delay Rele ase or male clim ax by combining shallow thrusts with deep thrusts. This technique helps prolong Rele ase and will make you last longer in bed.



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