How To Know That One Has Mouth Odour And Prevention



Mouth odour can be suffered by anybody; doesn’t matter whether you are 1 year old or 100 years old. Civil servants, public servants, private servants, graduates, undergraduates, post-graduates, NYSC corp members, lecturers, artisans, traders, pastors or politicians, I have found this problem in all of them.

The sad truth is that many people suffering from it don’t even know they have it. Thus, the have-nots are always at the recieving end. If mouth odour could blind someone, over 90 percent of Nigerians would be blind by now. Its that serious.

To know if you have mouth odour, you can simply lick the back of your hand, wait 5 seconds, then smell it. Thats the quick way. The best way is to be told by a friend, enemy or relative. Most people cannot just gather enough courage to inform others about their mouth odour condition.

Mouth odour, like body odour, is not a spiritual problem. Don’t waste your time going to native doctors or pastors for solutions. The best person to meet is a dentist. However, if you can’t afford a dentist, you can try the following tips.

1. Brush at least twice a day. I know some people will still not take this advice. Whether you are fasting or not please brush your mouth always. Make sure you brush your tongue very well cos thats the main culprit.

2. Floss at least twice a week or regularly to get rid of those smelly calcified substance jammed or lodged between your teeth. Also scratch your throat always to get rid of those same smelly, yellowish substances that may lodge inside your throat (very very important).

3. If you can’t afford a bottle of lysterine then buy a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, mix ten drops in five table-spoonful of water, use it to gargle (hold in your mouth for 2 minutes) and wash your tongue thoroughly before using normal toothpaste. Do this at least twice a week and you will notice a big difference.

I just hope many Nigerians will read this and save others from the silent pain they suffering. Together, lets make our atmospheric air clean and fresh to breath in. You can save that marriage, friendship or relationship by informing others of their condition e.g send them a polite anonymous message. Finally, and very very important too,


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