If Your Guy Does These 27 Things, Congrats! He’s A Keeper


21. He has real conversations with your female friends. This shows a guy appreciates women as peers with interesting things to say. How he invests his energy in getting to know women who are not potential dates is linked to how invested he will be in loving you as a full person as time goes on.

22. He takes an interest in what happens during your day. He genuinely wants to be caught up on your life since you last spoke, not because he’s jealous, but because he really wants to know about the things that are important to you.

23. He understands the art of The Platinum Rule by Tony Allesandra. Do unto others as they would have you do unto them. He prioritizes finding out what you like, want and need and gives that to you whenever possible instead of giving you what he would want in a similar situation.

24. He asks your opinion about important decisions. He may not always follow your suggestions, but he sincerely considers them and wants your input.

25. He roots for the success of your ventures. More than anything, we all want a partner that we feel safe with. Part of that safety is the feeling that it’s OK to spread your dreams under your guy’s feet. Of course, you want to do your best and be successful. Your boyfriend should also be rooting for your success. —Abiola Abrams

26. He sings your praises to others. He’s telling the people in his life what he enjoys and appreciates about you. He’s bragging about how smart and caring you are. If the people in his life have never heard of you, Houston, you may have a problem.

27. He makes you laugh (and vice-versa). There’s a reason married people live longer. Our health and well-being is intricately tied into our emotional state. Your ideal guy can see you at your best and at your worst and not belittle you. If you aren’t able to laugh about the dramas that arise with your life partner, things are going to be extremely difficult.


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