‘In Life, Never Say Never’ – Pretty Lady Says Ahead Of Her Wedding (Photos)


A lady who is set to get married in few weeks time – has taken to social media to share her love story and how she constantly rejected her fiance.

According to Chisom Nzekwe, despite the public embarrassments her partner received and being told outrightly that it won’t work out between them, the young man persevered and is set to officially reap the fruit of his labor come January 3rd, 2019.

Congratulations to the couple.

Read below Chisom Nzekwe wrote on Facebook;

In life “NEVER SAY NEVER” we men propose but God disposes,,,,,,,when we met at first I remember telling you vividly that no matter how much you try that I can never be as much or as little as be your friend let alone been your lover(lol if only I knew),I remember giving you a stern warning over the phone to stay away from me and my life for good.

I don’t want to talk about the public embarrassments and all yet you never gave up,you saw the stubborn and troublesome nature behind that smiling face and jovial nature but all that never discouraged you from me you persisted, only God knows what kept you going.

Gradually after a long while you became a friend I always bully and Here we are today it hasn’t been easy but we have come a long way and i know we still have a long way to go and i know that the good God in whom we trust and started this journey with will always see us through to the end Amen……..

Friends and family we solicit your prayers and request your presence as we sign in to the journey of forever on the 3rd of January 2019


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