Yes, is this what we call Democracy or we are making mockery of the practice call,”DEMOCRACY”? Back in school, we’re made to understand that, Democracy is the government by the people, for the people and to the people where rule of law and accountability reign supreme. I ask you my good people of this great nation, “Is that what is obtained in this country”?
Most times I listen to our leaders happily referring to Nigeria as a developing state, I weep within me, and I ask whoever care to listen that,”Do you call a 54years old man, a growing man, or a grown man”? Today, we rejoice in atrocity, languish in infrastructural decadence, selling off of Government owned properties, and I asked again,”why then do we need a government, when all they’ve to offer us has been privatised?” 
In a lawful society, where they show high level of civilisation in attitude and action and not in words, no person with criminal records, that even led to his impeachment from office would ever be eligible to stand for election either for the same position or a different one. With this, I stand to question the modulus opradi used by our Electoral body in issuing clearance to contestant to contest in elections, what do they look into? Does eligibility ends with Tax payment? What of criminal charges, fraudulent acts, down to forgery (Toronto Certificates), are all this considered?
Is this truly Democracy?, where freedom of speech, expression and association is partial, if not totally denied? Where if you don’t belong to a certain political cabal, then you’re up against the federal foot soldiers, which cut across Police harassment, EFCC intimidation, house impeachment, Airlines being ground for no course (thereby infringing on there freedom of movement). While if you associate to this cabal, you get state pardon for established criminal offences, National honour for established fraudulent act or embezzlement  of public funds and even most times, you’re giving clean sheet to contest for electoral positions. 
Is this really democracy?, where people who are alleged for an unimaginable corrupt practices are left without investigation, even those caught outside the shores of our country where flown back on a presidential jet like they’ve done something worth celebrating. 
A country where graduates, after graduating have no hope of getting a job but the children of those “who know who” would get the job even before graduating. A country where money is asked off graduate with no job to apply to government offices when they don’t even have a source of livelihood. A country where jobs are giving to those who are not competent but because they could buy the job from government they are there and people who are competent are left out because they can’t bribe their way into service . A country where contract are given to contractors who have no experience and knowledge  about what the job entails. Hmmm, My great country Nigeria.
Is this government truly for the people, when over 200 innocent citizens of this Nation have been in Captivity for over 5months now, and the occupant of the Top seat is busy playing politics with it. The question now comes, “what is the real value of the life of a Nigerian?” Yes, I ask you,what is the real worth of a Nigerian’s life, if it will takes a small girl to challenge our so call president to visit the Chibok girls family, then you know this government is not for them, neither is it for us.
No!!!, Absolutely not democracy, this is a mockery of democracy, this is Totalitarianism. A government brought to power by partial and biased electioneering process under severe intimidation just for the satisfaction of the few and privileged under their Umbrella. 
What a country we live in, while we clamour, work towards and pray for a change in believe, orientation, and approach to governance, it’s time we retrace footsteps back to our roots, our virtues and our pride. The government should start seeing the people as there responsibility and their welfare as paramount either within or outside the borders of this Nation. I believe in this Nation, If only our great leaders will see the people as their responsibility and consider their welfare, also their security, Nigeria would be a better place to be. God bless Nigeria.
Nigeria!!! Unity in Diversity, A Great Nation with Good People, Standing Tall.
Long Live Nigeria!
God bless Nigeria!!
Happy Independence Nigeria!!!

Written by:
Akinkuotu Oluwarotimi


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