Ladies! Here Are 4 Types Of Men That Are A Waste Of Time To You


relationship-angryMost women end up heartbroken because they were trying to convince the wrong man to be in a relationship/ marriage.
The signs are always there but we just choose to ignore them. It is almost the end of the year and maybe one of your resolutions was settling down or be serious with your relations but your man is still playing. Are you sure he is the one for you?
Let us see if you need to leave him

The confirmed bachelor

You wanted to date mature men because obviously you do not want to be given the run around by these young guys. But your confirmed bachelor is looking too comfortable with the state of your relationship. He is 40, but shouldn’t he want to settle down? Maybe that is what was never in his plans which you need to have found out. People make decisions way long before they meet you. So you are there thinking maybe he will eventually, the man is not going to. You might just need to move on.

Career driven guy
One of the things you might have actually liked about him. He was focused, he knew where he wanted to go, he has vision. Not like this other ones who look like they do not have a purpose. You like this relationship because this is the type of man you want to raise kids. Until time is passing by, your friends have settled and yours is not thinking marriage.
We talk about career driven women, what about the men? There are men until they reach where they have set a target to go, family will not be a priority. A wife will be the last thing on his mind. So if your vision is now, you might have to look for it elsewhere. Risky- if you wait and he tells you eventually, he does not think of you as a wife.

The one who is not done with the women

If you are dating and he is still dating around, just know, chances are that this man will not for anything serious with you. Someone who does, normally drops all of them for you. But someone who has let you know he is still seeing other people- he is not done!

Finding himself
Don’t dare even try help a man find himself. Let him do that on his own. You will get the shocker of your life when you try giving a man direction. You will be the ‘mum’ that gets dumped.


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