Ladies! Different Between Dating a Boy and Dating a Man



We believe the Ladies should have know all these differences by now… However some boys have the Characteristics of men this days, You just have to know what you want and choose wisely

Read along to know the differences.

A boy tells you he loves you. A man tells you he loves you and backs it up with his actions.

A boy makes you feel like you’re not good enough. A man makes you want to be a better person because you have so much genuine respect for him.

A boy is possessive. A man is protective.

A boy makes you feel like you need to downplay your accomplishments so as not to embarrass him. A man is not threatened by your success, but proud of it, and inspired by it.

A boy is concerned with his own pleasure. A man cannot enjoy himself unless he knows you are too.

A boy underestimates you. A man is not afraid to challenge you, because he knows what you’re capable of.

A boy will be interested in your life for as long as he can get something out of it. A man will be interested in your life because he cares about you and wants to understand you more deeply as a person.

A boy is threatened by the idea of feminism, convinced that being feminist classifies you as angry, aggressive, and man-hating. A man understands that feminism is simply the belief that men and women are equal.

A boy thinks he must provide for you. A man knows that a relationship means the two of you are providing equally for each other.

A boy bottles everything up, and lashes out because of anger or other pent-up emotions. A man admits when he needs you and when he needs to talk, even if it makes him uncomfortable.

A boy is always thinking of whether or not he could do better. A man knows when he has something good right in front of him and never takes it for granted.

A boy makes excuses. A man admits when he’s screwed up, and always does everything he can to fix it.

A boy is either needy or impossible to get hold of. A man always makes time for you, while also making sure he has a life outside your relationship.

A boy is only interested in beauty. A man appreciates your physical beauty, but is most attracted to your personality.

A boy thinks he already knows everything. A man walks around with the mindset that there is always something new to learn from everyone he encounters.

A boy focuses on what he wants now, now, now. A man lives in the now but is always planning for the future.

A boy will spend time with the friends of yours – if he likes them. A man will spend time with your friends regardless of his feelings towards them, because if they’re important to you, they’re important to him.

A boy makes rash decisions based on his immediate desires. A man understands the concept of being rational and having priorities.

A boy needs you because of his fragile self-esteem. A man needs you because he believes his life is better with you in it.

A boy is concerned with how you look to his friends. A man does not care about what other people think, as long as you’re happy together.

A boy is ready to do anything to get want he wants. A man is ready to love without hesitation.


  1. Most what i read online is trash and copy paste but i think you offer something different. Keep it like this.


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