Ladies Get In Here: 5 Brutal Ways To Know If He’s Just Using You For S£x



The truth might hurt but it ultimately sets you free!

Men tend to know exactly what they want when they get involved with you.

They also know what they can get away with and how much of their crap you’re willing to tolerate.

It may take longer for him to fall in love for find the one he wants to marry, but a man know who he can sleep with and who he is going to make the extra effort for. If the degree in which you feel “in love” with him is greater than his interest in making the effort, he will take advantage of that (and you).

Here are 5 signs that let you know clearly, he’s just using you for se x:

His Conversation Are All About What He Wants To Do With You S.exually

He shows no interest in getting to know you or your interest. All conversations quickly veer towards what he wants to do with you (or to you) when he gets you in bed. He always talks in a se xual manner: “I love your bo obs” or asking questions about what pleases you in bed or, of course, telling you what he likes.

When you start to discuss real things about you or your life, he acts too busy or tells you, “Let’s chat about this another time.’” You keep asking yourself where the relationship is going. Let me tell you — nowhere!

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