Ladies; Want To Get Rid Of Saggy Bre.Ast The Natural Way? Here’s How..



Bre.ast sagging is a natural process that happens with age wherein the bre.asts lose their suppleness and elasticity, but do not fret, here are some of the home remedies that can help you get rid of sagging bre.asts and achieve the firmness you desire.

Every woman wants to have perfectly shaped bre.asts throughout her life, sadly, this is not possible in most cases. Though saggy bre.asts usually start happening after a woman reaches 40, it can occur earlier. Apart from age, other factors that cause sagging bre.asts include breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause, rapid weight loss or gain, strenuous exercise, nutritional deficiencies and wearing a poorly fitting bra to say the least.

Ice Massage

Ice massage is also considered very effective to regain firmness in sagging bre.asts and uplift them. The cold temperature will cause the tissue to contract, in turn making the bre.asts appear firmer and more lifted. Take 2 ice cubes and massage them in circular motions around each of your bre.asts for 1 minute only, dry the bre.asts with a soft towel and immediately put on a proper fitting bra and stay in a reclining position for 30 minutes, do this at regular intervals throughout the day.


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