Laides MUST READ: 11 Reasons You Might Miss Your Menstrual Period



If your period shows up like clockwork each month, being even a few days late can make you jump to conclusions. These are the most common reasons for an absent period.


Sometimes a late period means exactly what you think: There’s a little bun in the oven! Because early pregnancy symptoms like abdominal cramping, bloating and breast tenderness are similar to what you may experience in the days before menstruation, it can be difficult to tell if your period is simply off by a few days or you’re pregnant. If your period is late and you’ve had unprotected S£x, take a home pregnancy test. A week after the date you expected your period gives the most accurate results, but many home test manufacturers promise to detect human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG, the hormone released during pregnancy) sooner.


You already know stress can have a number of unpleasant effects, like headaches, weight gain, acne and other skin issues — and it can also affect your period. When you’re under physical or emotional stress, your body produces the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Elevated levels force the brain to decide which bodily functions are essential and which are nonessential until the stressful event is over. Things like blood flow to the muscles and oxygen to the lungs increase (part of the “fight-or-flight” response you’ve likely heard of), while others, like digestion and the reproductive system, may stop temporarily in extreme cases. When the reproductive cycle is delayed, so is your period.

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