List Of The 81 Campaign Promises President Buhari Made To Nigerians


11. To embark on vocational training, entrepreneurial and skills acquisition schemes for graduates along with the creation of a Small Business Loan Guarantee Scheme to create at least 5 million new jobs by 2019.

12. Churches and Mosques would not pay taxes under national laws, but if they engage in businesses, the businesses would pay tax.

13. Provision of allowances to the discharged but unemployed Youth Corps members for Twelve (12) months while in the skills and entrepreneurial development programme

14. Making the economy one of the fastest-growing emerging economies in the world with a real GDP growth averaging 10% annually.

15. Creation of a Social Welfare Programme of at least fivethousand naira (N5000) that will cater for the 25 million poorest and most vulnerable citizens upon the demonstration of children’s enrollment in school and evidence of immunisation to help promote family stability

16. Recruitment and training of at least 100,000 officers into the Nigerian police force and establish a Federal Anti-terrorism Agency.

17. One free meal (to include fruits) daily, for public primary school pupils

18. Building an airport in Ekiti State

19. Eradication of state of origin, replacing that with state of residence to ensure Nigerians are Nigerians first before anything else.

20. Establishment of crime squad to combat terrorism, kidnapping, armed robbery, militants, ethno-religious and communal clashes nationwide


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