I Love Having S*x with Animals – Man Confesses After Being Caught Bonking Neighbour’s Goat


A man who was caught red-handed having s*x with a goat has pleaded for forgiveness as he said he enjoys s*x with animals because it is safe.

A 23-year-old man in South East Muhuru Location in Nyatike Sub-County, Migori County has been arrested after he was caught engaging in S£xual activities with a neighbour’s goat on Monday, eDaily reports.
The man identified as Otieno Jalango said he loves to engage in s*x with goats because he fears contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) if he should have s*x with women.
“Animals cannot contract HIV, unlike humans. S*x with animals is therefore safer,” he told Muhuru East Location Chief Jim Kawa. He was handed over to the authorities by angry residents who are afraid he might r*pe their lifestocks.
Muhuru East Location residents want the local administration to take legal action against Jalango or seek spiritual intervention on behalf of the suspect, claiming that he may be possessed by evil spirits.
Jalango’s neighbours accuse him of engaging in S£xual activities with their livestock severally. Chief Kawa said the suspect, who is a casual labourer in the area, is of sound mind.
The local administration, nonetheless, is planning to conduct medical tests on Jalango to ascertain his mental status before initiating legal action against him.


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