Meet Great Igwe, One Of Nigeria’s Finest Teachers Of The Revealed Word Of God


Pastor Great Igwe is an emerging voice in the body of Christ with a consistent message focused on the Man Jesus Christ, His Death, Burial and resurrection. Through his books and teachings, many has come to know the revealed truth of the Gosple ranging from false misrepresentation of the Nature of God, the subject of tithing, and understanding of the scriptures especially the old testament.

His recent Bestselling Book The misrepresented God has sold more than 43,000 and translated into two languages already.

Pastor Great Igwe is a Bestselling author, mentor and Enterprenue. A seasoned Inspirational and motivational speaker whose style of teaching and deep insight into the revelation of the word of God has made him a sort after voice in very controversial topics of the Bible.

Great is the founder and Executive Director of Saltvine Foundation, an international Charitable organization with the vision of fulfilling Mathew 25:35-42 in Rural impoverished Communities of West African nations.

He is the CEO of WEGI Publishing House LLC headquartered in Richmond Virginia and the Host of The Renewing Mind Podcast. Great was named the Spellman 2018 Man of the, and Troy’s Media top 20 African under 40 Young leaders.

Great Has written and published 7 books and has co-authored 4 books including the New York times Bestselling book “You were Crated for more’ with Harry Jackson.

To Get any of Great Igwe books or listen to his teachings or get in touch with him, visit:


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