Mistakes Most People Make In Their First Relationships


They say we learn from our mistakes – and it seems we make a lot of them in our first long-term relationship. It is, of course, completely natural to get things wrong the first time around. But what are the classic mistakes most first-time lovers make in their first relationships and how can they be avoided to keep the love alive?

‘Regardless of how many times we’ve been attracted, how many times we’ve dated – even how many times we’ve made love – our first serious relationship is always going to be amazing, astonishing… and full of pitfalls,’ explains Durex’s $ex and Relationship spokesperson, Susan Quilliam.

‘First love, mutual and committed, is different from anything that’s ever happened to us before. And that means we’re absolutely in line to get it wrong.’

Along with dating and relationship coach for women, India Kang, eHarmony relationship expert, Dr Linda Papadopoulos, and relationship expert and award-winning writer Dr Kaszina Ph.D, Susan shared the ten golden ways you could be going wrong and their advice on how to fix it.

1. Giving too much too soon.

When you first meet someone new, it’s not unusual to want to spend all your time together. This is one of the mistakes people make in their first relationship; they falsely think spending all their time together will bring them closer. Often it has the opposite effect. You know what they say: ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. It’s best if you unfold slowly and take your time getting to know each other, there really is no rush.

2. Oversharing on social media.

Some people don’t like their relationships splattered all over Facebook and social media generally. Updating your facebook status to ‘in a relationship’ really doesn’t mean anything. Respect each other’s privacy and be careful with what you share.


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