National Assembly Members To Leave Office With 109 Jeeps, 360 Toyota Camry


Members of the outgoing 7th National Assembly will be taking along with them 109 jeeps and 360 exotic cars provided as operational vehicles immediately they assumed office as legislators.

The cars, 109 Prado Landcrusiers for Senators and 360 Toyota Camry 2011 model, are supposed to be returned to management of the National Assembly
before the week runs out but according to an agreement reached with the National Assembly management, the Senators and the House of Representatives members will pay 30% of the original cost of the cars so that those interested can keep the cars.

The 30% will be deducted from their
severance pay.A member of the National Assembly Management team who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said
“The cars have been used for four years, so this valuation has taken cognizance of the years of depreciation. The vehicles are not taken away free of charge and as a matter of fact, it is optional. A lawmaker who does not want to go
with the vehicle will submit it to the National Assembly and it will be so documented. The deduction will be done from their severance package at source, which makes it easier. It is a
practice that has been on over the years”.

According to the source, the National Assembly Members were in 2011 when they assumed office for another tenure, given 300% from their salaries as loans for cars, 250% as Furniture loans and 300% as housing loans. Lawmakers who took car loans worked out a plan
with their banks where their salaries were being paid for the banks to automatically deduct a percentage from their salaries to pay their car loans.According to the source
“The loans were obtained for the lawmakers through the banks where their salary accounts are domiciled, hence the bankers usually deduct
certain percentage agreed upon from their monthly payments to service the car, housing and furniture loans.”
he said

Deputy House Majority Leader, Leo
Ogor, confirmed the report and said they will take their operational vehicles away if they want to but will pay some money for the car.
“I don’t know what the amount will be; but I know that the cars are not for free. The management of the National Assembly will work it out and
communicate to members accordingly”
, he said.


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