NBC Bans “Shoki” by YBNL Artiste, Lil Kesh


Lil-Kesh-Shoki-Remix-Screenshot (1)

This is a perfect case of “too little too late”. The highly unpopular regulatory body in Nigeria,NBC (National Broadcasting Commission) has placed a ban on YBNL artiste, Lil Kesh‘s smash single “Shoki“; arguably the hottest song in Nigeria right now.

The NTBB (Not To Be Broadcast) ban is nothing new in Nigerian music, as it’s been placed on several hit singles in the past. The news broke earlier today via popular Beat FM OAP, Toolz on twitter. She goes on to add that apparently, “Shoki” means “Quickie“. So, this must be their reason. Yoruba folks in the house, Is this true?

The funny thing is… we could even start using the NBC ban as a yardstick for “hit” status. If your song doesn’t get banned, it’s not a hit. :-D

On a more serious note, what are your thoughts on this?


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