“No S*x With My Husband For Almost 2years, Can I Have An Affair? I’m tired of masturbation…” – Nigerian Lady


A Nigerian woman  who has been married for 15 years revealed that her husband has refused to make love to her for over two years now.

Sharing her marital woes on a Facebook group the woman revealed that her her husband hasn’t been intimate with her for 2 years though they live in the same house but they are living like a tenant. She said he married a new wife and brought her home and he now gives his undivided attention to his new pregnant wife and cares nothing for her. She’s now asking if she should have an affair with another man who is asking her out, seeing as she is tired of masturbating.

Read what the woman wrote below;

My husband has not touched me for almost 2years. Is it still wrong for me to look for someone else?
We are in a marriage of 15years with 3 boys.
Almost 5years ago he asked if I minded if he had a second wife.
I told him I did mind because I hate polygamous marriage setting but he had the second wife anyway and has had several several affairs since.
He hasn’t touched me since almost 2 years, we live as flat mates.
He wouldn’t let me leave with my kids because he wanted to stay in the house together with his new wife who’s pregnant and centre of his attention.
A man has shown interest in me, is it still wrong to have a physical relationship with him, even though I still live with my husband.
I haven’t had a physical relationship for 2years. I’m tired of masturbation and dying to be touched and pleasure by my husband but he never look at me!!
I wouldn’t mind to have $ex with my husband but begging him to is not an option!!
I’m only in this marriage because of my children otherwise, I would have long gone!!
I need advice please.”

As expected, lots of advice were given to the woman and most of them will leave you shaking your head.

See the post and some comments below;



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