Reasons You Should Never Force A Relationship On A Lady


5. The “You Forced Me Into This Relationship” Speech May Surface.

If you didn’t understand the rest points, at least grasp this point, don’t FORCE a girl into your life and family. If you FORCE her to come, you’ll do same to get her to stay. Fine or Average-looking, they’re the same; same S£xual parts! In fact, let her make the choice of choosing you without any coercion from anyone.

Forcing a girl into a relationship with you is plain stupidity. Who says you can’t approach?

You can but don’t use the law of Force saying, “If I don’t have you, I’ll die”— Lielie, is your name Laila?

To me, state your aim for getting close to her, watch her reaction for days. React based on those figures.


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