REVEALED: The 6 Reasons Why Nigerian Men Love B00bs


We like their mystery.
From the time we first become aware of them, bre.asts fascinate us; not only what we see, but what we don’t, as well. Untold numbers of hours are spent imagining what those beautifully mysterious mounds under your clothing actually look like. And when we finally do get to behold them “in the flesh,” we are rarely disappointed.
We like how they make us feel better.


I’m sure you’re aware of studies that have definitively shown that people who have pets live longer, healthier lives. What you may not know is that recent findings indicate that looking at br.easts for as little as fifteen minutes a day actually has a similar, healthy and longevity-enhancing impact on men. Now, I’m certainly not comparing women’s b.reasts to our furry family friends. (Although we do like when either are nuzzled up against us or are available for petting.)



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