See S£x Robots With Vagina Built For Shy Men (Photo)


S£x-robotRobots specifically built for S£x with fully functional female genitalia will be available for purchase in 2017.

UK Mirror reports that the robots have hyper realistic features never seen before with in-built heaters to enable them have genuine body warmth and sensors that can react to touch. Called ‘RealDoll’, the robots are made by Abyss Creations, a California-based company.

The robots are expected to be purchased by men who are too timid to approach women or those who are lonely, and unable to get S£xual partners.

“I want to have people actually develop an emotional attachment to not only the robot but the actual character behind it – to develop some kind of love for this being,” said Matt McMullen, founder of RealDoll.

According to McMullen, the robots will cost up to £12,000 (N6,600,000).

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