Actresses Shola and Bidemi Kosoko, took to IG to celebrate their dad, veteran act Jide Kosoko as he turned 64.
Bidemi, shared a photo of her dad and penned down a sweet birthday message writing;
Still your day my mirror. somtimes last year on a movie set I whispered into my daddy’s ear ? I said “daddy finally u have gray hair, I just counted 6 now on ur head ” immediately his face change and he said “so is true chai somebody told me earlier too, but how can i have gray hair at my age” ????? the old man no wan age @64 he still thinks he is 40 because of his baby face. Love u soo much daddy. @princejidekosoko.
Not so long after, Shola, also took to IG to celebrate her dad writing;
Happy Birthday to my role model, my mentor, my friend, a rare gem, an amazing father (@jidekosoko). Dad you have always been so loving, so caring and also very strong, you are one in a trillion, you have all my love and respect… WA PE LAYE FATHER MI! NINU ILERA, AYO ATI ALAFIA cc @jidekosoko.