Simplest Ways Of Acquiring Wealth Biblically By Tunde Korede


In 2013, Most of my write-ups were based on salvation and now that you’re saved, you don’t need to spend your remaining time on earth in poverty.Though wealth is an Open-Heaven-Mystery, but you are also entitled to it because the Earth is too loaded for anyone to remain poor. Now, let’s go straight to the point.

Here’s is the simplest ways of becoming rich biblically without engaging in dubious acts.

Love of God:- Money dis-qualifies you for God’s wealth but the Love of God qualifies you for God’s wealth. The secret behind Solomon’s wealth is that he loves God(1kings 3:3). The Love of God is what gives practical values to your givings. At first if you want to think about getting rich, why can’t you consider Mattew 6:33, start living live as if you will die anytime, anyday and in any moment by serving God whole-heartedly and seeking for kingdom of God’s righteousness.

Put God first in anything you do. Return now and He will restore those good things to you. Believe me, what the Lord has planned can never be thwarted(Hebrews 11:40). Devote your time to the reading of scirptures and also devote your time to the hearing of His words. And pray everyday, by this, God begins to Love you and you also continue to Love Him.

Giving To The Needy:- Generally, When you are to give to people you have to consider three things.
1.Willingness.(1 Corinthians 9:17)
2. Cheerfulness.
3. Tiredlessness.
It is awful that Nigeria has been filled with Whipper-snapper Pastors who do force their members to give Titles, offerings and other donations. Sincerely, any giving that is forcefully produced will yield nothing. If you know you’re ready to be giving out to people, then It is a must for you to give willingly, cheerfully and tiredlessly.

Then how can I do these things joyfully? You need grace(2 corinthians 9:17). That’s why some charismatic christians failed, their givings are targetting returns. Don’t give to people for you to receive from them next time.
*What Are The Benefits Of Giving To people
When you give out you are giving your way out. The amount of what you give to people also determines what you receive(2 corinthains 9:6-7)

4. Giving Tithes:- Biblically, there’s no other way of becoming rich than paying tithe. The churches are never in need of your tithe, never say they are thieves, God Himself needs your tithes. The Lord revealed to me some months ago that those tithes undergoes heavenly transaction(Hebrew 5:9). Prove Him now and see whether you will become rich or not(Malachi 2:10), Test Him and see if He will not open the Floodgates of Heaven and pour out His blessing and also curb the power of devourers in your bussiness.

Note- God is never in need He is only commited to meeting needs.

4. Watering your Giving:- After you’ve now given out you must also water it. You can’t expect a planted crop which is not watered to produce anything, and desame thing goes for Giving.

Then, How do I water my givings?
The only way to do this is to utter the sacrifice of praise unto the Lord. Praise God continually, even when you’re lacking, when you have nothing to spend and even when you have billions with you(Hebrews 13:15). If you give to people or pay your tithe and you can’t praise God, then your giving is nonsense and it will yield nothing. Learn to praise Him, as big as the Lord is He cannot praise Himself, He needs you, He wants you to be praising Him. Stop looking to what the Lord has not done for you, start to look at what the Lord has done for you, by doing this you will know how Faithful the Lord is. You can plant and water it but God increases it(1 corinthians 3:6). Only what you need to do is to ask for Grace, to do these things.

When you don’t give to the poor you will remain poor. No! It’s not a curse. It’s real, so learn to give to people around you. It works for me and that’s why I shared it with you. Don’t just read this article without practising it, it is the practise of the scripture that guarantees a future but not the reading. Read James 1:22-23

I’m your one and only Tunde Korede!
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