Singer Jaywon Unleashes Vicious Tirade on Concerned Fan for Correcting His Grammar


Jaywon is currently catching  lot of flak for insulting a fan who dared to correct his grammar.

Drama started recently when the singer took to his page to make a post about expecting some deliveries and a fan, who couldn’t ignore the mistakes in his post, pointed out the errors.

“When I’m getting my own delivery oo. Water don finish for [house],” wrote the singer. To which the fan responded: “It is ‘When am I’ and not ‘When I’m I getting’. Shaking my head. Stop disgracing your fan.”

Well, Jaywon didn’t take kindly to be rebuked publicly, because things escalated quickly, with the singer cussing out the fan’s family. And this pissed off folks who feel he crossed the line.

Read the exchange that upset many people.


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