The First China Doctor To Warn About Coronavirus Dies Of The Virus (Photos)


The First China Doctor To Warn About Coronavirus Dies Of The Virus

A medical doctor and the whistleblower of the coronavirus, died on Thursday Night. The deceased was one of the first eight people to warn about the coronavirus and his death led to a collective anger and fear of unseen on the Chinese social media.

Dr. Li , a 34-year old ophthalmologist, was a national hero, who was apprehended by Wuhan police for spreading ‘rumors’ earlier last month. He had warned his classmates in a private WeChat message about a SARS-like virus spreading in Wuhan, the epicenter of the epidemic.

The deceased came in contact with the virus after treating a glaucoma patient who at the time was not aware that he has been already infected with the virus, after treating a glaucoma patient. The news of his death went viral and attracted millions of posts and searches.

In response to the doctor’s death, China’s anti-corruption agency, the National Supervisory Commission, announced on Friday that it is sending a team to Hubei to conduct a “comprehensive investigation.”

Li’s death has brought more fear to China, a nation already reeling from the outbreak that has killed 636 people and infected 31,161 others. On Wednesday, The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed the coronavirus a global issues.


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