The Truth About Chemical That ‘Changed 254 Black Men To White In 6 Hours’



Contrary to claims by many online media and blogs, both in and outside Nigeria, that a Russian laboratory has discovered a new mixture of chemicals that can change a black man’s skin to white in six hours, some facts have emerged.

Laila’s blog, other popular sites reported that with a mixture which includes oxytane and benzodiazepine, one could stay in a bath consisting of 50 grams per liter for 6 hours. The results were presented in the form of a photo (see below):

The reports stated that after this process, the skin peels off naturally, especially the upper skin layer responsible for the colour that can be removed. The laboratory further announced that 254 people have been treated by this method, noting that the Russian government may soon allow the reimbursement of this treatment.

Click the Continue Reading Below….(SEE Truth About Chemical )


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