The Truth Most Single Men And Women Don’t Want To Hear


6. Ladies are ladies when they receive from their man- it will never change. The earlier you get it in your skull, the easier it will be. However, she might give for love but trust me, you’ll pay back! 50% increase!
7. The Romantic part of your spouse will end between 6 – 18 months of your marriage. How ready are you to be flexible, diplomatic, forgiving and patient? Get ready to hear his snoring, perhaps like that of a cricket! Do you know she can fart? Hmm!

8. Why you’re advised to ignore a man with television and pursue he with vision is becausevision can get you more than a 100 television. Be smart!

9. If you get married just because she is good in bed or because he is a s*x machine; after having marathon of it, what else will you guys be doing together? So, marry one whose life and dreams interest you, in certain degree.
Have you met a guy/girl who is into what you love? As you discuss with him, there is a kinda connection. That connection is and should be the basis for choosing a life partner and NOT he has a big ‘kini‘ or she is smoking hot!

10. The man is the Head (Isi) of the family- what that means is, he is the head. Don’t fight it. (Even female lions know better, lol) Actually if you do, some may not notice, but others won’t let you because it is just in- born, you know. I know ladies who are born control-freaks. It’s okay as long as he is okay with it. BTW, the woman is a help to the man (feminists don’t wanna hear this.). She won’t feel complete until she has a man by her. Forget gays, they are awkward!

You may be guilty one way or another, that’s why I opened the thread. Everyone needs tolearn more.


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