“There’s No Big Deal In Using Se.x Toys” – Bisi Ibidapo Ope


You might even ask? Why imploring the use of a Se.x toy when there are lots of single people out there? Well, according to some researches, people find Se.x toys more pleasurable than humans.

Se.x toy seller/Actress, Bisi Ibidapo Ope has also revealed that women who use Se.x toys are even more decent than prostitutes who get laid with different men almost every night and at the end of it all, they contact STDs.

The actress said in an interview with Encomium magazine that there is no big deal in using Se.x toys:

“It’s not a big deal. It is only our mentality here in Nigeria that is somehow. In the western world, they don’t see it as anything big. Left to me, anybody using Se.x toys is even decent compared to a prostitute. If you are using Se.x toy, you are better than a woman jumping from one bed to the other. Before such a person realizes, she has contracted Se.xually transmitted diseases. She can even be infected with HIV/AIDS. But with the use of Se.x toys, nothing like that can happen to you.”