This Is The Best Way To Answer ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ At Interviews


“Tell me about yourself” is a popular question that interviewers love to ask during job interviews. It seem like a very simple, but in reality it is one of the most difficult question an interview could ask you.

When the interviewer says tell me about yourself, most people tend to speedily diminish their chances of ever getting their desired job.

Most people tend to read out their bio data to the interviewers and others just say the first thing that comes to their mind.

If you do any of the above, well that explains why no one ever called you back, and shortly we will give teach you how to answer this question.

You should be able to answer this question in a way that the interviewer will have no choice than to say “tell me more”.

Keep It Short

Recruiters have short attention span. They get bored easily.

They usually interview tens of people monthly, and they need to determine if you are the right candidate or not in less than ten minutes.

Besides that, there are tons of other candidates out there who also need to be interviewed.

You see why you need to create a lasting impression.

Wasting your time blabbing about your primary school education, hobbies or town you grew up is not the best of ideas.

Be Genuine

Honesty as you may have guessed is a trait every interviewer seeks from a candidate during a job interview.

Being dishonest during a job interview shows that you really do not deserve the job, because who want to work with a dishonest person?

What The Interviewer Really Wants To Know

The phrase, “Tell me about yourself” has such a wide breath of answers that it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

While your employer would like to know you, this is not the right time to know the secondary school you graduated from. Your interviewer is currently trying to figure out if you are the right candidate for the job or not – and your critical task is showing them that you are the best person they got.

Break Your Answer Into Three Parts

To prevent your chances of sabotaging even before the interviewer get to really know you, it would be best to break down this question into three parts.

1st Part: Start with a condensed version of your career history. Need we remind you that it has to be as concise as possible?

2nd Part: Your next step of action should be a brief summary of a specific achievement to capture the interviewer’s interest.

3rd Part: Conclude with a few sentences about what you hope to accomplish next in your career – and make sure it is relevant to the position you are interviewing for.

What You Will Achieve
This response will make you stand out from the crowd.

Instead of giving the interviewer a boring overview of who you are, your hobbies, date of birth, place of birth, religion, and other details that are already in your curriculum vitae.


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