Tiwa Savage’s Hubby ,Teebillz Turns Advocate For Psychological And Emotional Breakdown


There is a popular saying that no one can know or understand a situation better  than some one who has been through that situation before.

Recall the whole emotional outburst of popular entertainer and husband to Tiwa Savage, Teebillz? remember he almost committed suicide if not for the quick intervention of some of his friends?

After going for rehabilitation, Tunji Balogun, popularly  known as Teebillz is back on his feet like never before, despite the scandal that rocked his marriage after his wife opened up on so many secrets surrounding them both.

Now that the couple is back together and trying their best to make their marriage work, Tunji who once left social media when the controversy started has started using the same platform to canvass on the need to seek help when necessarily before your breakdown melts you away totally without trace.

Although many see what he is doing as a mere publicity stunt just to stay relevant since he has been away from the entertainment scene for a while, but we shouldn’t turn deaf ears from the actual message he is trying to pass.

He said: ” if you can seek help for malaria and fever, don’t be ashamed about your psychological and emotional condition. why are we afraid to discuss mental health in our society?


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