Top Hidden Secrets About Marriage (Must Read)




Good day everyone. Marriage is a very wide concept which we need to treat carefully. Despite this, Two highly reputable bloggers/writers have went head-to-head to dish out the facts about the concept of marriage.

Are you intending to get married in future or you’ve already gotten married? This is an article you have to read.

Sirtondy and Nosagie Ero Nosa have conjucted to educate the masses on what to consider when choosing a life partner, how to prepare for marriage, family planning and lots more. All you have to do now is to sit back and relax to read this felicitous article and as well be enlightened through this write-up.

By Sirtondy

Firstly, Marriage is not meant for everybody, Paul didn’t get married and Jesus didn’t get married but as it is ordained by God in Genesis 2:18 that ”It’s not good for a man to be alone.” so you have to get married willingly not forcefully and whoever finds a good wife finds favour. But I’d implore you to get married. That’s it!

I’d discuss what are the neccessary things to do when preparing for Marriage. Incase you missed the first episode of this article, you can read it HERE

Things to do when preparing for marriage are as follows!

1. Acquire knowledge:- knowledge is power and Jesus number one prescription to acquring knowledge is through reading(Mattew 19:4). You have to have the knowledge of gender difference. Eg, the reason women likes to talk too much and the reason men believes in action, they don’t talk to much. It takes knowledge to understand this gender difference. Women are emotional beings while men are logical beings. For example, when you give birth to a twins and one is a boy while the other is a girl, you will notice that, the girl’s mouth will be sharper than that of the boy. Yes! That’s how they’re being created right from the inception. Women talks while men listens. You as a man if you don’t like listening when women talk, then don’t get married because it’s part of the needs you have to meet in that lady’s life. Whether is talking nonsense, just listen to her. It’s part of her make-up as a lady. Gather many tapes as many as you can, read bible day and night and praticalize what you’ve learnt.


2. Develop Quality Relationship With God:- Before you were created in the womb, God had already knew who you would become, all you need now is to build up a good relationship with Him(Job 22:21). How can I build a good relationship with God? Read your bible idionsyncrasily and put what you read into practice. When you have a stable relationship with God, that’s when you will know God’s purpose for your life. God will reveal to you personally, who He wants you to marry, inorder for you not to mis-choose. There have been many failed marriages these days because they lack quality relationship with God, this is the right time for you to start praying fervently to God. Don’t just marry anyone you see, Hey! Choosing a life partner requires patience and voracious prayers.

3. Cultivate Acceptable Character:- I don’t care about your outward appearance, I don’t care about your beauty now, without a good character after a few time of being with your partner, that beauty will turn to ugliness. When other things falls apart, character sustains you. It is character that sustains marriage, so, it cannot fall on you like ripe cherry, it has to be cultivated. Discover the bad characters you have that are capable of destroying your marriage and tame them. Once again, tame that bad character!


4. Take Care Of Your Outward Appearance:- The reason ladies turn down men proposal these days, is because the way they dress. How can you just put on white shoes, red shirt and brown trousers to go and propose to a lady? Even if it’s your future partner, she’ll definitely turn down your proposal. So take time to learn about colour combination. Some people have became so heavenly-minded that they never bothered about the kind of clothes they put on. As a lady learn to walk like a lady, don’t walk like a man, if you want to sit, sit like a lady, don’t sit like a man and bring out the dignity and honour the Lord has placed in you. As a man, learn to talk striaght, don’t talk like a stammerer and bring out the importunate dignity in you with the way you walk. That’s it!


5. Be Domesticated:- This is one of the reasons many marriages have failed in Nigeria. Some ladies find it difficult to cook food not to talk of cooking delicious food. It is an insult on your personality if you’re married and your husband keeps neglecting your food to eat at the restaurant. Even if you have a cook at home who cooks for your husband, be careful because if care is not taken the cook will snatch your husband from you. This is the right time for you to learn how to cook, move closer to your mum when she’s cooking and ask her somethings on how you can cook different delicacies for your husband. Men, learn how to do some chores, like washing clothes, cooking and fetching water.


By Nosa Ero Nosa

I would like to discuss what brings success in Marriage and Why you must do Family planning. And here is my own take on the concepts.

The success of marriage is dependent on the choice of whom you marry. The quality of your marriage can never be bigger than the persons involved in the marriage. I hear people say, when they are trying to get married; do you love me?As far I am concerned, that’s a dumb question to ask! If you want to get marriage, you don’t ask, do you love me?

You should rather ask for the proper description of his/her vision. Love without vision will end up in chaos. Any marriage that is founded without vision will end up in a disaster. When you are in a relationship, and you don’t understand the vision of the man or woman, you really have nothing being with him. If you marry someone, just because you love the person, you are most likely going to help him out of his vision. When a man is not fulfilling his personal vision, he becomes frustrated, this makes him cynical and the first person to bear the brunt is the wife.

Marriage is important, it’s a choice, but not everyone will get married. As a lady, if you choose to marry; you have lost some certain rights, because you have to be submissive to your husband. Not to any man, but your husband alone. For ladies, don’t just jump into marriage. Find out the vision of the man you want to spend the rest of your life with; what’s his world view, what’s his philosophy of life.

Try this; you would be shocked what some guys will tell you, behind the suit that he is wearing. If you don’t ask him now, when you get married, you can’t ask him. The outcome of such disaster would be divorce and that a heavy burden to bear. Why not find out now, instead of postponing the evil days?

Family Planning

Family is the smallest unit of society and by implication, the most important unit of society. Whatever happens to it bleeds into society. Most families are under stress because of improper planning, once you have failed to plan, you have planned to fail. Planning is the arrangement of facts, because you don’t fail with facts.

Most families are under-stress because they lack planning. Family planning, for me, is to help position singles to align themselves with the steps that creates successful and blissful family life.

Firstly, before you get married, decide how many children you want to give birth to. Do not say, leave it to God; you have to decide it before marriage. Some people think giving birth to children is an achievement, there is no achievement there, it is only proof that you had s*x.

Any one congratulating you that you gave birth to more children is only welcoming you to further responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, children are important and are a gift from God, but giving birth to children you can take care of is only an achievement when you can raise them to become great in life. Any man who gives birth to children he can’t take care of, is simply a sperm donor.

The problem of this world is a result of people, people who are children of irresponsible parents. Some families have fallen under stress, because they were looking for a male child. So instead of two kids, they end of giving birth to eight children, some even marry other wives, in search of a male child. It is important to note that it is not a male child that sustains your name; it’s your brain child!

In this day and age, people pray for a brain child, it could be a male or a female child. I have seen male children who have become armed robbers and kidnapers, who would want to be associated with such children? The bottom line is to decide how many children you want, both partners must comply with the decision, irrespective of the outcome of the s*xes of the children.

Written by Sirtondy & Nosa Ero Nosa

You can Connect with Sirtondy on social media platforms.

Facebook:- SIRTONDY  , Twitter:- SIRTONDY ,BBM:-53035517

Connect with Nosa Ero Nosa 

Facebook:- Nosagie Ero Nosa

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