Treating Excessive Sweating


sweatExcessive sweating can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it could be more than just the weather that’s causing you to perspire.

We received this question from a viewer:

Dear Dr. Manny,
I’m a 34-year-old man and I sweat more than normal all the time – even when it’s not hot outside. It’s really embarrassing and deodorant just doesn’t seem to work. Is there anything I can do?

Well Nick, you’re not alone. The condition is called hyperhidrosis and it affects more people than you know. But don’t worry, there are several effective treatments including:

  • Over-the-counter antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride;
  • Oral and topical medications;
  • Ionophoresis, which is a procedure that delivers a low current of electricity to the sweaty areas while a patient is immersed in water;
  • Botox injections to paralyze the sweat glands;
  • And in severe cases, even surgery to remove sweat glands.

But make sure you talk to your doctor because he or she can help you determine your best options based on your medical history.

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