UNILAG Reacts To Allegations By Olorunfemi Adeyeye, Student Who Was Rusticated


The University of Lagos is aware of Mr. Olorunfemi Adeyeye’s posts on Facebook and other social media one of which was titled: “The Senate of the University of Lagos, a conglomeration of Academic Ignorami”; in which he made unsubstantiated and insulting statements about the person of the Vice-Chancellor, and the entire Academic staff of the University of Lagos who constitute the University’s Senate.

The University does not wish to trade issues with a rusticated student. It is, however, important to reiterate that all the rusticated students (including Mr. Olorunfemi Adeyeye) were not victimized because of their involvement in the protest…

Mr. Olorunfemi Adeyeye in particular was specifically found to have breached the Social Misconducts and Penalties Regulations of University of Lagos as clearly stated on page 101 of “University of Lagos, 2015-2016, Students Information Handbook’, item 8 captioned CYBER OFFENCE OF ANY NATURE (Yahoo.Yahoo; posting n*ked pictures on internet; unauthorized use of the University’s name, logo, etc. in a manner that will bring the University to disrepute:”) which carries a penalty of EXPULSION.

It is worrisome that the public is being made to believe that a student who abused and insulted all lecturers, who wrote that lecturers resisted the renaming of the University because it gives them leverage to have s*x with female students should be promoted as a RADICAL and a REVOLUTIONIST. A student who avers that the First Class Honours degree in Chemical Engineering obtained by the Vice-Chancellor in 1974 from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) is a waste. Our University is committed to awarding its certificates not only for learning but for character as well.

Over 7,000 Degree and Diploma certificates duly signed by the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar of the University are awarded every year. It is thereforesurprising, that someone expecting to receive one of such certificates would cast aspersions on the entire learning processes and academic integrity of the University.

Mr. Adeyeye’s Recent Arrest on September 21, 2016
Our attention was drawn to the recent arrest of Mr. Olorunfemi Adeyeye who, in spite of the rules/regulations governing the conduct of rusticated students, organized a group of boys to cause commotion and chaos at the University gate.

His subsequent arrest along with other non-students of the University (two of whom are serving youth corpers) was unconnected with any protest. It was a consequence of his desperate attempt to attract cheap publicity, unearned public sympathy and continuously bring the name of the University into disrepute. It should be reiterated that the earlier misdemeanor of Mr. Olorunfemi Adeyeye attracted EXPULSION. The University Senate in tempering justice with mercy handed him a 4-Semester Rustication. His recent conduct will do him no good.

We wish to appreciate the Media houses that have objectively and professionally disseminated issues concerning the University of Lagos.

The University hereby reiterates its commitment to the production of total graduates who exhibit excellence in character and learning.

Thank you.

(Signed) T. O. Adebule
Deputy Registrar (Information)
24th September, 2016


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