Unilag To Host First Ever Unified Campus Carnival – UNILAG CARNIVAL ‘The Debut’


carnival the debut this july small(1)

On the 11th of may 2015, the University of Lagos(UNILAG) passed the bill to law for the hosting of its first Unified carnival tagged “the debut”. In a report released by the social secretary Micheal Opadoja, the carnival would be hosted to integrate all students and staff as the newly reinstated student union body look to unveil one of their first events. The bid to co-host and partner the ULSU was won by SWAY Ent, a subsidiary of TIMELINE CONCEPTS. The event boasts of involvement of every faculty, staff, student and peer group and it is also an adaptation of the prestigious LAGOS CARNIVAL. With large partnerships and involvement of artists, entrepreneurs, tourists and philanthropists; the event tends to be the biggest campus event of the century!
For more details contact:
+2347065129136, +2349093285637
Twitter/IG: @unilagcarnival
Facebook: unilag carnival


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