VTEK is more than just a producer and it’s beyond the P-Square’s album – Bimbo Olaitan


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There are two key words that focus the reader’s attention on the subject of this article: VTEK beyond just a Producer and the mentioned of P-Square’s name in the heading. One accentuates and influences the other.


Well the fact that one of the world’s greatest talents from Africa, a Nigerian to be precise; VTEK have his name mentioned during a discussion among media personalities which I was one of them few days ago lead to this write up. I would love to have option of others on this issue, feel free to share your personal opinion on the issue.


I am always bitter when the name VTEK is only associated and tagged as P-Square’s Producer only leaving out other amazing achievements this young multi-talented act had achieved and still achieving.  VTEK have a reviving present and a promising future than many of the celebrated music producers today. Don’t get me wrong.


I think it will be nice to share my thought on this issue. Not only about VTEK but he just happened to be the subject in question that trigger this write up.


Many amazing talents in the entertainment and music industry gets ignored and not properly appreciated because of sentimental mindsets of certain powerful people in the industry. Sometime hardworking group member contributing the most part which is bring the group to the spotlight, Music Producer who contributed more to records unlike other beat makers, Promoters who goes beyond just promoting the records, offering uncharged artist development services, DJ who never used his influence with as a radio or club dj on fast rising acts, demanding ridiculous amount of money before song can be added to his playlist, Bloggers like Demola and Ovie of Notjustok who doesn’t charge to feature songs on their blog, same to Ms.Uduak of Africa Music Law, who out of her busy schedule still find time to educate music business entrepreneurs with her posts on AML, the list goes on.

What Does Uncelebrated Mean? Several related phrases define the word “uncelebrated.”   Phrases like not publicly acclaimed; unrecognized; obscure; unsung or not formally or officially honored.  

Is VTEK an Unsung celebrity? Or Creditably Uncelebrated ?


Now let’s explore what lead to the VTEK’s appraisal argument session among 4 other ladies and my humble self which inspire this article.

I was hanging out with some colleagues in the entertainment industry who are obviously older than me when P-Square’s song was played and in within VTEK name was mentioned.


The lady that mentioned his name said; I heard the boy VTEK is really good in production but what is he doing with music again, must he join others in singing? … That was how the debate and argument started.


First she said when P-Square’s song ‘Eje Ajo’ was played on Beat Fm, Lagos; Hmmmm! Great song and instrumental, I don’t really like this song when I first heard it but I love the beat from the 1st day but now this is one of my favorites P-Square sound in recent time.  One of the ladies, an OAP on Orange FM, Akure, Ondo State said Great song indeed but I don’t think Nigerians are ready for this, judging by the way some music fans attacked the P-Square when the song and video was released as singles before the album.


Seeing the direction the discussion was heading I quickly added my own opinion; To me the song is a game changer and any fan who hate the song is not truly P-Square’s fan. Kudos to VTEK the young man that produced and influence the sound, he is a great songwriter and artiste aside production you know.


What followed was a heated arguments which majorly fell on VTEK. While we pointed out being a producer/artiste is not a problem 2 ladies were literally against us until the lady from Akure, the Orange FM OAP started listing out what VTEK has done from his personal efforts to production credits which he also featured on and I joined in.


After the discussion, I thought about the issue and I must confess I felt bad based on the fact that we have many uncelebrated celebrities in Nigeria.

VTEK is one young multi-talented Artiste/Producer who doubles as a professional songwriter and audio mixing and mastering engineer.


For African most celebrated music group and one of the biggest stars in the continent to allow a young talent like him to single-handedly supervise their album project in terms overall of mixing and mastering, co-writes on the album then the young man had worked himself a direct celebrity ticket.  I remembered one of the ladies saying but producing P-Square’s album does not make him a celebrity.


To me VTEK’s celebrating achievement is beyond the P-Square’s album judging by the fact he showed us he is capable with his effort on Eedris Abdulkareem’s “I GO WHOOZ” where he said the hook and producing it. Also between Mode 9 and Eedris Abdulkareem he also shows he can deliver when it comes to music on DJ Vinne’s ‘Bad Guys Ballers’. His personal song ‘Spotlight’ featuring Capital FEMI. His T.MIX featured delivery on T.Pain’s official EP track “Dream” which gain many thumbs up. His contribution on so many song including Sheyman’s recent releases and the P-Square’s album, Niyola’s new song and someone is saying the boy VTEK does not deserved to be celebrated, do you agreed or disagreed with her?


Not only VTEK but many others like I mentioned early deserved to be celebrated. It’s time to face the fact and let us celebrate and appreciate those needed to be celebrated and appreciated.


I will try my best to hook up with VTEK real soon to talk about his achievements and more things. I believe he truly deserved to be celebrated and appreciated more.


Have you ever met with VTEK? What was your first impression of him when it comes to music? Kindly send your opinion and impression about him to me via beanballmediabox@gmail.com.





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