Ways To Make Sure Your Husband Is Insanely Satisfied In Bed And Life


2. Broaden the range of pleasure.

Intercourse is an intense s*xual act — you have to really be in the mood for penetration to enjoy it. But master the art of using your hands to suspend your man in pure pleasure, and you’ll be able to satisfy him way more often. A lot of women scoff at handjobs because we aren’t very confident. We assume men know how to touch themselves way better than we’ll ever be able to, so we just avoid it.

Ladies, choose to master the art of manual stimulation and a whole new world of pleasure can open up! He’ll love being able to relax and receive your touch. If he tries to reach for you, playfully slap his hands away and say “Tonight it’s all about you, honey!”

Don’t just think about handjobs as a lame substitute for intercourse — your hands are the best s*x tools ever invented and can give him sensations unavailable in any other s*x act. Skilled handjobs are also the key to learning how to extend his pleasure so he can last longer in bed, as you create peaks and valleys of arousal and keep him suspended in pleasure.

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