Ways To Make Sure Your Husband Is Insanely Satisfied In Bed And Life


3. Make room for the masculine.

There are a lot of different kinds of masculinity, but they all need room to thrive and be expressed. Give him room, both in your relationship and in your home, to express his masculinity. A lot of guys need permission to claim the space to be who they are. Give him the gift of acknowledging his need to be a dude once in awhile without being shamed for it.

If your house doesn’t have enough room to make space for a “man cave” then make sure he has a say in how your home is decorated. Maybe there is room for one bookshelf where he can proudly display his collections. Give him time as well as space — make sure he knows you support him in spending nights out with his guy friends.

Once in awhile, plan a date around his interests — a ball game, a monster car rally, a boxing match. Step into his world and let him fully express who he is as a man. Allow yourself to get turned on by his enthusiasm, even if it isn’t your thing to watch men pummel each other.


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