Ways To Make Sure Your Husband Is Insanely Satisfied In Bed And Life


4. Own your pleasure.

Learning how to please your man in bed isn’t all about his pleasure — it is also about yours! Most men are generous by nature and want their women to be S£xually satisfied. You can’t avoid taking responsibility for your own pleasure by focusing on him all the time. Take control of your own body and make sure he knows how to please you. Guys are highly trainable — if you can give yourself orgasms during self service, make sure he knows exactly how you like to be touched.

Confront any issues that are holding you back from enjoying oral pleasure and then invite him to go down more often. Guys love seeing women in the throes of pleasure, so it is up to you to discover how you are most able to get aroused and experience climaxes so you can then share that pleasure with him. A fully satisfying s*x life is possible for everyone. You just need to take the time and energy to focus on your own pleasure. You are worth it!

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