Ways To Make Sure Your Husband Is Insanely Satisfied In Bed And Life


5. Express your desire.

Start cultivating a relationship where you can freely express your desires to one another. Each relationship has a unique culture, and you are both responsible for creating the culture you want to experience.

Want more praise and gratitude? Start by telling him when you are grateful. A few kind words go a long way towards making him feel appreciated. Do you take one another for granted? Start giving him compliments and telling him why he is special to you.

All too often, couples fall into the rut of being domestic partners and parents together and forget to also be lovers and best friends. Think back to the early days of your relationship and how you treated one another, and then try to cultivate an atmosphere of love, gratitude and praise. Men (and women!) like to feel appreciated, special and understood. Make sure you are pleasing him out of bed — and notice if it helps you create more heat in the bedroom!


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