Where Are The Ladies? Checkout The Characteristics Of Nigerian Male Gold Diggers




Most Ladies out of frustration condone guys who are out to milk them dry. They think it is love, or that the guy is disadvantages.

Some guys can play it smart and cool at first till they find out you are emotionally insecure and can pay the bills..

1. A Nigerian male Gold digger never pays for anything but always expect his girlfriend to pay.

2. He is always in debt and wants his girlfriend to bail him out.

3. He gets angry when his girlfriend refuses to give him money.Some even went to the extent of killing her.

4. Nigerian Male Gold diggers use your marriage and your love for him, as a bargaining tool..

5. Always comes up with fake big business ideas that end up failing.

6. He always wants to control your finances and know your ATM Pin.

7 .Nigerian male Gold diggers always beg for money from his girlfriend to entertain his guys.

8. Nigerian male Gold digger is always concern about your financial status.

9. They always drive Luxury cars when they can’t even afford paying their House rents.

10. Most of them dates and most time married Women twice their ages in the hopes that such Woman dies few months after the Marriage.Chaii! This is very common.

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