I Will Never Call My Husband “Daddy” – Tope Alabi


Top gospel artist, Tope Alabi has made a shocking revelation she can’t refer to her husband as “daddy”.

Tope Alabi mentioned this in an interview on Teju Babyface’s show she explained that she can never call her husband; Daddy because he is not her father

Tope Alabi is also of the stand that calling her husband “Daddy” is not romantic in any way and that it is only common between Pastors and their wives to do so.

She said:

“It is not romantic at all. Why will I call my husband daddy when I know who my Daddy is, I know where my daddy lives so why will I bestow such title on my husband?

Besides, that title is also used for Pastors and their wives, the Pastor can refer to his wife as Mummy and in vice versa.”

The beautiful singer shared how she met her husband, Soji Alabi in the year 1995. Here is what she explained:

“I was into theatre then, I used to do background songs for Yoruba movies and he was a studio manager then and we became friends, I liked him. Whenever I didn’t show up in the studio to record, he will ask those around about my whereabouts….then, he used to call me Aunty Tope but now we call each other my choice. He is my manager, keyboardist, band member and most importantly my husband.”


  1. I have been hearing of Tope Alabi from the sound track she use to produce before she became real gospel musician. She is highly talented but recently I watched her video at Havila church program I developed much interest in her music. I followed up her stormy trouble with Prophet Ajanaku. I really thanked God she survived it not many people can survive that kind of problem thanked God she made it is a called gospel artist. She has such a deep Yoruba idioms and she is spreading gospel through her music as forthe husband the bible says “seeth man diligent in his work he will stand before king and not mean men” I thank God for his humility that has brought him to where he is today.


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