“You Can’t Escape Divorce If You Marry These Types Of Ladies”

Angry black couple fighting

Angry black couple fighting

When a guy is set to marry , he looks for traits such as , care, love, respect , good looking , educated , romantic , intelligent, God fearing , industrious ,compassionate ,fun to be with etc. I must tell you, there are some hidden signs you need to look out for, so that you won’t be catch unaware. like the saying goes, when you are married, divorce is not an option. so, be wise. don’t be afraid to break a heart because your life depends on your future than to toil with it.

This may actually be applicable to ladies too but I will want to speak from an angle of a guy .

1) Negative Minded Ladies.

These set of ladies are always pessimistic about anything and everything. You hardly hear them say positive things about any issue except their own exploit. They are in the habit of giving and pointing to negative examples every time. They won’t stop asking you silly questions like “ if armed robber should come to our house and Rap£ me what will you do ?” or assuming we are married and no child for ten years what will be your reaction? “

Am not saying one should not have some fears about life (evils are everywhere) but when one’s life is dominated in that direction then, there should be a rethink.

If you eventually end up with such woman, she will never see anything positive in what you do, no matter how much you try. This can be frustrating as a man especially the hard working ones. They are the type that will always compete with their husband and feel they can do better than their husband if they have same opportunity of equal resources.

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